
We recently had Hayley out to our property to conduct a Land Clearing and to say I was impressed would be a huge understatement. 

I stumbled upon Hayley’s information on a Facebook page and knew it was what I was looking for, but didn’t even know existed. We bought acreage only a few months prior. It had been a dream of ours for a while. After the usual settling-in timeframe, we were all still really unsettled! I had tried lots of things to help my family (and myself) adjust, but things just didn’t feel ‘right’. 

Fast forward to a month after Hayley’s visit and things are very different. We have actually settled. Everything is much more comfortable, we are enjoying our property and feel so grateful.

Hayley was very easy to communicate with, explained the how, what, when, where and why (yes… I asked a lot of questions) and she really, genuinely knows her stuff! 

I highly recommend Hayley!

- Nicole, Gympie QLD -

  For anyone thinking about attending one of Hayley's workshops, I highly recommend booking your spot. 

I did a New Earth Essence workshop back in November 2023 and it was incredible. Working with these essences is like nothing else I have experienced. I then joined Hayley in the 3 day retreat she held in May 2024 and had a number of breakthroughs and realised my intuition was strong and I just needed some support to learn how to connect to my higher self a bit stronger. 

I have since attended another 2-day course with Hayley a couple of weeks ago and I am feeling so fortunate to be able to go to these events filled with people supporting each other and holding such a safe space to explore what we are all working on and achieving. I'm so thankful to have Hayley as a teacher through this journey I'm on. 

I can't wait for the next retreat, I'm enjoying everything I'm learning from Hayley and the New Earth Essences and the incredible PACH workshop she holds.

I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible work you've done for us. Your presence in our lives has been truly transformative, and I cannot thank you enough for the positive changes you've brought into our home and our hearts.

When we reached out to you from across the miles in Australia to help clear our house and land in France, we weren't entirely sure what to expect. But from the moment you started your work, it was evident that you possess a unique and remarkable gift. Your ability to balance the energy in our space and elevate its vibration left us in awe. Although we are currently going through a difficult situation (which can influence our energy and feelings sometimes very negatively) we feel the difference in the house and on the land. Now that it has had time to integrate more deeply, I feel the sense of harmony and tranquility that now fills our home is a testament to your expertise.

Not only did you perform this remarkable feat for our physical space, but our personal readings are so valuable! The insights and guidance you provided during these readings were nothing short
of enlightening. You have an incredible talent for tapping into the depths of our souls and offering wisdom that resonates on a profound level. Your readings have not only given us clarity but have also ignited a sense of purpose and self-discovery within us.

Life is an ever-evolving journey, and we all navigate its twists and turns in our own unique ways. Your presence in our lives has been a guiding light, illuminating our path and helping us make sense of our individual expressions of this precious thing called life. We feel so blessed to have crossed paths with you.

For anyone out there contemplating whether to have a reading or a land clearing with you, my message is simple—just do it! The rewards reaped from these experiences are beyond measure and contribute significantly to one's overall well-being. You have the power to take individuals, homes, and entire families to the next level of their potential, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

Hayley, you are a remarkable healer and a beautiful soul, and we cherish the connection we've formed with you. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us and for making our lives richer and more meaningful.

- Stevee, France -

We are in Corsica since 2 weeks and are enjoying to see the progress of our renovation! 

We have put all the crystals in April according to your drawings. It has been amazing how smooth everything has been going since then! Our Australian friend is doing most of the building work and another friend has been doing the paint job. We finally found some Corsican tradesmen for all the rest of the work! 

And my anxiety has completely lifted! 

Thank you so much for your help! It had an amazing effect! 

- B, Corsica -

Hayley spent a few hours here on my property, feeling into the energies, lines and imprints.  I walked with her as we embarked on the land healing journey together speaking of the land’s memories, history, and energy lines.  When we came to the house, although there was work to be done with the land, the energetic imprints of people past were most certainly in our home. Hayley tuned in and facilitated their release as the space was cleared of old stories.  I woke up to a beautifully clean energy in the house. Things shifted for the better in my relationships and a burden had been palpably released from the energetic feel of the home and property, clearing the way for new beginnings.  If you are wanting to get tuned in to your property and home, making it yours to feel free and create the life you desire, a land healing is a great way to start! She also gave me a personal reading which was spot on. I recommend Hayley for this work. Grateful. 🌺

- Melanie, Sunshine Coast -

We are going well at work!! Picked up 4x new clients since the land clearing, 2x of which are massive! So we feel like it definitely contributed.

Noosa, QLD

Since Hayley came to my property to do the land clearing I've noticed there is no sound in the house at night when we all go to bed. There used to be all these noises like someone was in the house once we were all silent in our rooms trying to fall asleep, but that has completely gone now. There is less tension in the air. 

It also feels more balanced and in harmony. My son sleeps better at night and has stopped sleepwalking & having nightmares.

- B. Caboolture -

Both of us have had so much more energy.  ‘E’ is helping out in the house without prompting, which has never happened before.  He is actively looking for work as well. 

I’m pretty sure I have been successful in getting a job and have made concrete plans and taken steps towards getting my business started.  

I find I can’t watch TV for very long now … maybe one show or a movie before I have to get up and do something.  (I used to spend whole days and nights in front of the TV)

Thank you soooo much!  And this is all after only one week!!

- S, Bundaberg -

Contact Me

Contact me if you would like to know more about having your land healed. Healing can be done remotely via an emailed map.
Or, if you are interested in attending a Land Healing Training.

0499 900 670

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