
What is Land Healing?

Have you ever walked into a room and felt there was some strange energy present? Ever lived in a home where things just didn’t feel right?

If you have, you are absolutely not alone. And with good reason. Energies from previous residents can easily remain when they move out, and energies of the Earth are strong in many places, creating harmony or disharmony depending on the vibration.

Land Healing is a practice performed in many different ways by many different cultures over aeons. Traditional cultures understood the reasons behind healing the land and the benefits this would bring to their people.

I have spoken with various First Nations people living on Country who shared information with me about their practices of clearing the energies when one of their people dies. With the invasion from the British and other cultures and the massacres which ensued, these death imprints were no longer cleared and many remain today. A couple of hundred years have passed but the death imprints remain in areas where the First Nations people aren’t there to heal them, and sadly, many have lost the knowledge of how it is done.

Land Healing is a process of finding the areas of imbalanced energy from ley lines, underground black water, earthquake lines, electromagnetic fields (EMF) and geopathic stress as well as energies and energy pockets left behind by people who were on the land before you. Once these areas are found, a good healer uses the energetic or physical tools available to bring back balance to that area.

If the land remains unhealed, it can impact modern people by making them ill, causing relationship problems, financial difficulties and much more. How? Because all of these energies are a form of stress on the people residing over them. Add lots of stress to someone’s life, and anything is possible.

When I work on a property, whether it is an apartment, house or farm, I work in three ways.

First, I find where the negative ley lines run through the property. I use crystals to place or bury in the ground at the boundaries or the fence line to harmonize or balance the energy distortions. I also work by boosting the naturally high vibrational energy from positive ley lines. Then I turn my attention to water, either running or stagnant water, and work out which crystals to place to harmonise this energy. Then, I work with old earthquake energy,  areas where significant trees have fallen or been removed, and EMF energy from phone towers, powerlines, Wi-Fi or other fields.

After working with the lines and water on the property, I turn my attention to the energies on the land; people who have lived there before, visited, suffered trauma, buried domestic pets and so forth.

Then lastly, I focus on each room of the house and see what energies remain from previous residents. These pockets of energy are common when there have been arguments, fights, deep sadness, depression, falls or injuries, or even in homes where drugs or heavy drinking have taken place.

The people who contact me for land healing often tell me they have had space clearings or house clearings before, and for a time it has helped but then the problems return, or similar problems arise. When I ask them if the last healer worked with the underground water or ley lines they almost always say no. And to me, this is the key difference. When I work with these lines and energies, it raises the overall vibration of the property quite significantly and this in turn begins to clear the land and house energies. When the land vibration is high, it isn’t an energy match for the lower vibrational entities, the ‘ghost’ type energies, and if it isn’t an energy match, they just don’t hang around. So I always begin with the lines first, as it makes the rest of the clearing much easier, and most importantly, longer lasting.

These days, I work a lot with property developers, real estate investors, and renovators as well as those buying their family home. As much of this work is interstate and even overseas, I work remotely using Google Earth maps to do this work. I print out the map, draw out all of the ley lines and underground water etc, type up a report of my findings and then post the map and all of the crystals they need to put in place.

The overseas investors even utilise the maps to place the crystals on if they cannot get to the property in person. It works, because when you know how to work with these energies and clear or balance them effectively, then good changes can take place.

I love doing this work, and I love the feedback and stories that I hear from the people whose properties I have worked on. It makes my heart sing to hear how much more settled and comfortable they feel after a land healing.

Would you like to live in a home where the land is balanced and the energies are clear?

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